Tuesday, 29 July 2008

yes, a case of the mondays

Oh man, yesterday I had a wild case of THE MONDAYS. It was just that the day seemed to go by so slowly. Every bit of it dragged on, even my lunch break outside (how can a break from work, outside, eating, drag on?). When I picked up the boysies from Stanford, the only response to "How was work?" I could bust out was "Bluhhhhhhg," a sort of growl/groan.

A case of the Mondays — refers to expressions of frustration at one's job (especially on Mondays);

SO, I'm thinking the reason for that was because it was my first work day back from Trinity, and I do miss playing at the lake, despite the super smoky sky there. But I am doing much better today, I suppose I just wanted to share my story of THE CASE OF THE MONDAYS.

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