Wednesday 30 July 2008

pretty things

I've always wanted to create pretty things. I used to love to draw and do art when I was younger-- actually, I still do. I got into sewing and quilting for the same reason, to make nice things. Even cooking and baking, which I love, stem from my desire to make nice things, food that is pretty to our mouths. I like writing because sometimes we write things that are beautiful.

Lately, some pretty things I can't stop thinking about creating and designing and making are
pretty dresses
pretty cupcakes
pretty collages
pretty jewelry
pretty hair
pretty weddings
pretty presents
pretty shirts
pretty pasta
pretty photos
pretty pictures
all just pretty.

Sugar and spice and everything nice- that is what I want to make things of (definitely some spice needs to be there).

Tuesday 29 July 2008

yes, a case of the mondays

Oh man, yesterday I had a wild case of THE MONDAYS. It was just that the day seemed to go by so slowly. Every bit of it dragged on, even my lunch break outside (how can a break from work, outside, eating, drag on?). When I picked up the boysies from Stanford, the only response to "How was work?" I could bust out was "Bluhhhhhhg," a sort of growl/groan.

A case of the Mondays — refers to expressions of frustration at one's job (especially on Mondays);

SO, I'm thinking the reason for that was because it was my first work day back from Trinity, and I do miss playing at the lake, despite the super smoky sky there. But I am doing much better today, I suppose I just wanted to share my story of THE CASE OF THE MONDAYS.